A microphone at a conference

sfG MentorNet and the AGCAS Annual Conference 2022

If you follow us on social media or are a subscriber to our email updates, you may have already heard the news that we are attending the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service (AGCAS) annual conference again this year.

This years event will be held virtually, as it was in 2022, and is taking place between Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd June.

The team had a great time attending last year, and with over 1,100 delegates in attendance, it provided the perfect platform to engage with many interesting individuals and organisations. You can read more about our experience at the 2021 AGCAS conference, in our previous blog post.

This year, conversations over the three days will focus on the subjects around Careers Service Adaptability: Navigating Change, as a response to the COVID pandemic. Attendees will be provided with ample opportunity to share their own experiences and expertise with peers.

Aside from the scheduled talks and presentations, visitors will have the opportunity to visit us at our virtual booth, so please pop along to our mentoring hub and say hello. Both David and Ben from the sfG MentorNet team will be ready to provide you a warm welcome and would be delighted to discuss your current, or future mentoring programmes.

You can also take the opportunity to join us for our feature presentation, on Tuesday 21st from 10:55am – 11:15am.  During our AGCAS presentation we will be joined by Mentoring Lead’s Lucie Brown and Laura Cope from Staffordshire University who will discuss the strengths, weaknesses and challenges they have faced while growing their mentoring programmes, and how they continue to manage multiple programmes with the help of the sfG MentorNet platform.

To view the full programme of events, book your place, or find out more – you can visit the AGCAS website.

We look forward to hopefully seeing some of you there!